Aero&Eng CTE
Aero&Eng CTE is a non-profit support organization with the primary purpose of supporting school-related learning activities for the Stow-Munroe Falls High School Aeronautics and Engineering/Manufacturing Career Technical Education (CTE) programs.
Career students learn basic hand and power tool use. Aero&Eng CTE seeks to help provide sponsorship for students to earn their own set of tools.
What we've done
Aero&Eng CTE helps raise funds to support student learning in Aeronautics, Engineering, and Manufacturing career pathways. We also seek out industry contacts to support extended learning opportunities for students.
Some highlights of projects we help fund for students are:
Building of model rockets and nose cone design
Materials and supplies for material science testing such as impact resistance or flammability
Field Trips to support student learning and industry experience outside of the classroom.
insert photos of aero stuff here with captions. 1-2 photos
Engineering Material Science: Izod impact test of polymer based compounds.
IMPE students use hand tools & power tools provided by Aero&Eng CTE to assemble a hydraulic pump.